Thursday, October 15, 2009

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR


During the excerpt of Book 1 from the Iliad, Achilles show anger very much to the people he came in contact with. Although Achilles’ anger showed that he was powerful and strong, he actually showed his insecurities of being threatened by another warrior, like Agamemnon. The response to his anger was either detrimental to Achilles by instigating it, or beneficial to stop him from being angry. When Achilles came in contact with Agamemnon, he was always enraged when he saw him. From lines 175 to 202, Achilles expressed his anger stating that no Greek would listen to Agamemnon, and that only they would listen to him. He also expressed how could they listen to him and not Achilles. Agamemnon’s responded by saying if Achilles really thinks that, then think that because soon enough the Greeks will follow him. He doesn’t need Achilles, and he thinks nothing of him. This is significant because by responding like that to Achilles, this made Achilles angrier, and this was detrimental to Achilles. When the gods sent down Athena, Achilles was angry and asked why would they send her down, he doesn’t need any help. Athena responded by saying that you must stop now and not hurt him, because Hera loves you both. She said that you could say whatever you want to him, but just don’t hurt him. Like a child to a parent, Achilles obeyed Athena and didn’t do anything to harm Agamemnon. This is significant because he actually listened to Athena instead of just getting angrier when he was talking to Agamemnon. This was very beneficial to Achilles. When Achilles came in contact with Nestor, he expressed his anger toward Agamemnon still. Nestor, being an elder, responded by saying just stop this nonsense and stop this fighting. Peace is what he wanted. He also said to Achilles, that he doesn’t need to be afraid of losing his dignity of a warrior because “no one can match the honors dealt a king, a sceptered king to whom great Zeus gives glory.” This is significant because Nestor addressed Achilles insecurities about the situation, and it was beneficial to Achilles. Unfortunately, Achilles didn’t listen to him and just kept ranting at Agamemnon. Even though Achilles showed much strength and passion in his anger, he really showed his weakness and insecurities in his anger. The responses by each of the people Achilles came in contact with gave a different result. The first response showed the detrimental result and the last two responses tried showing the beneficial result of that anger Achilles showed.

1 comment:

  1. Mixed Tree = 15/25
    This does not fully respond to the prompt. Your ideas are not well organized; I don't know what your thesis is trying to prove.

    Thesis / Topic Sentence [1/2]
    Thesis sentence is clearly written and provides structure for argument; contains title of work and author.

    Reasons: Quality of Arguments [3/5]
    The arguments clearly relate back to the thesis, and contain insightful points about the literature.

    Examples: Textual Support [3/5]
    Strong textual examples used to support the thesis. Student identifies key quotes or supporting details in their paper.

    Explanation: Analysis of Textual Support [4/5]
    Analysis does not merely "translate" the textual support; rather, it illuminates the importance of the support in relationship to the thesis.

    Organization of Ideas [1/3]
    Good sentence variety and sentence combining; transitions effectively used.

    Grammar and Mechanics [2/3]
    Very few grammatical or spelling errors; punctuation and capitalization are properly incorporated; word choice is clear and there are few awkward sentences

    Concluding Sentence [1/2]
    Argument is closed with an idea that is creative, interesting and ties the paper together in a meaningful way.
