Saturday, March 27, 2010

Period 4, Michael Carleo, English 4 Honors

The most important Graduate Profile that Dante would take out of Paramus Catholic would be to continue to involve prayer, faith and justice in all aspects of life as witnessed during high school. Dante was very religious his whole life, and by knowing that aspect, he would want a person to live a faith filled life even after high school. He finds living a just life and a life involved in prayer a good one. By doing this, one can stay out of the fires of Hell. He found making that choice to be faith filled is so important not only to yourself, but to God as well. People who never chose after they passed on would be in a worse spot than sinners in the 1st or even 2nd level of Hell! Just by living a life like this after graduating from PC, one will be almost guarenteed to stay out of any of the horrible levels of the underworld. Being able to come out of high school with this profile will not only be important to Dante, it would be very essential to Dante's life.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR

Hamlets iPod Playlist of Seven Songs

1) "Heartbreak Warfare" by John Mayer - "Lightning strikes inside, my chest to keep me up at night. Dream of ways to make you understand my pain."

2) "War of My Life" by John Mayer - "I'm in the war of my life at the door of my life out of time and there's no where to run away."

3) "Before I Forget" by Slipknot - I'm ripped across the ditch - And settled in the dirt and I wear you like a stitch - Yet I'm the one who's hurt. Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions. I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up in all the battles."

4) "Killing in the Name of" by Rage Against the Machine - "Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites. You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites. Come on!"

5) "Lose Yourself" by Eminem - "The soul's escaping through this hole that is gaping. This world is mine for the taking, make me king as we move toward a, new world order. A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post-mortar."

6) "Mad World" by Donnie Darko - "And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had, I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take. When people run in circles it's a very, very mad world,mad world."

7) "Returns a King" - 300 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - (Instrumental)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR

I Believe...

I am in an unnatural relationship with "my" king (I.ii.67).
I must obey my mother, even at the hardest times (I.ii.124).
That my life can't be of any value without my father (I.iv.72-760).
In avenging my father, who was killed unnaturally (I.v.37).
That even a king can praised and be a villain at the same time (I.v.111-116).
In keeping my plan secret between my friends Horatio, Marcellus, and myself (I.v.152-212).
In keeping a real friendship, and not to be played like a fool (III.ii.372-402)!
That when I do kill him, "his heels may kick at heaven, and that his soul may be as damned and black as hell, whereto it goes" (III.iv.98-100).
That my mother has betrayed my father, but also forgotten him (III.iv.13).
In an adventure for the truth (III.iv.23-25).

Monday, February 22, 2010

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR

In this soliloquy, Hamlet is resolute because he resolves into doing no harm to his mother after all. He knows that he has to be obeying to the ghost's commands, so he can avenge him. A quote that fits that analysis is "To give them seals, never, my soul, consent." Hamlet is obeying the ghost's wishes on not harming his mother. Hamlet is not melancholy because he is not in a state of sadness. He goes on with being somewhat skeptical about ending up like Nero did, but he wasn't sad or gloomy about anything. "Let me be cruel, not unnatural," is a great line showing that he was not melancholy whatsoever. Hamlet is not pensive because he is not thinking deeply about whether he should hurt his mother. He is just reflecting on how he does not want to turn out like Nero did as in the quote, "...let not ever the soul of Nero enter this firm bosom." Yet with some sadness, he is not gloomy about the situation. Hamlet is not incredulous because he is not skeptical on if he is going to hurt his mother, he just worries if he is because of the situation with his mother "turning" on her own son. "Soft! now to my mother./O heart, lose not thy nature..." is a quote that shows how he is worried, but not skeptical about hurting his mother. Also, besides not being skeptical, he did not have an angry undertone as well. "I will speak daggers to her, but use none," is a great quote to show that because even though he is mad at her, he won't do anything to hurt her physically.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR

In Oedipus the King by Sophocles, the use of sight and tragic irony are used many times in the play. These literary techniques really made Sophocles enhanced the story of the play. In addition, Sophocles used both of these techniques in many ways to express the plot in a very interesting way. He used sight and tragic irony hand in hand to enhance the story of the play. Sophocles first used "sight" when the chorus revealed the plot and gave hints about the outcome that will happen. The audience can "see" what is going to happen in the end, and this enhances the tragic irony of Oedipus. During the story, he goes on further using the chorus as the "seers" of what is going to happen when they talk to the audience. During the play, the blind prophet Teiresias knows the truth of Oedipus' fate, and Oedipus, who has eyes, is so blind and obnoxious of his actions. Teiresias gives off many clues that Oedipus killed King Laius, while Oedipus is cursing "the killer" of the old king. This is a perfect example of situational irony that a blind prophet can see the truth while a king with eyes cannot. This is also tragic irony because the "sight" enhances his tragic flaw that will eventually destroy Oedipus. Lastly, when Oedipus found out he killed his father and married his mother, he decided to stab his eyes out. This use of the lack of "sight" now shows that he knows his fate came true. This further proved the tragic irony was true that the audience was shown in the beginning of the play. It showed that one does not need eyes to know the truth. All of these examples further expressed the conflict between Oedipus v. Fate/Truth.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR

In this article, the author makes his point in various ways. He is proving that Jay Gatsby is a fictional character that is totally real in our lives. Even though he was made up, he represents what happens in our lives each day. Gatsby turned out to make money right until the end, but before he stole his money with Meyer Wolfsheim. However, Gatsby did show his purity in this book by trying to win Daisy back ever since he first saw her before the war. That is the purest thing because he would have sold his soul to be with her, which represents that he understands how dark and cruel the world can be sometimes. He was like almost every American kid was, he told his father what he wanted to be when he grew up, and he planned out his life. Gatsby might have bad qualities, but he is just like every American who is searching for that perfect "American Dream."

It is compelling to see Jay Gatsby as this. To understand what he went through is a similar situation of what we go through everyday to try to make something of ourselves. We might not do it in that form or way like stealing money, going to the army, and becoming rich, but we see how the world has brought such things on us to be perfect. Gatsby saw that he was flawed in this flawed world, and we have to see that as well. It is compelling of how Fitzgerald chose the color green to represent all of our desires like women or men, money, gratitude, etc.

I agree with the editor because I feel that Fitzgerald did use Jay Gatsby to represent us as people in a fictional way. Through all of the media, music, and marketing that our generation goes through is what Fitzgerald is trying to get us to see. All of these materials and "perfections" we are trying to meet isn't the way to get that "American Dream". He related the war in the 20s to the war now that we face. He related the corruption in the story to the corruption of the Watergate. All of these symbols in this novel represented us as Americans or even people in some shape or form. I believe that Gatsby is a true symbol of what an American can potentially be.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Period 4, Michael Carleo, ENG 4 HNR

"I AM" Poem

I am


The Technician of Tactics

Son of Anticlea and of King Laertes of Ithaca, Husband of Penelope, and Father of Telemachus

Who likes being king of Ithaca, Tactics, Puzzles, and Deceiving

Who loved Helen of Troy, but loves Penelope

Who fears nothing

Who wishes to make Ithaca wealthy

Who admires Sisyphus and his cleverness

Who needs money to make Ithaca wealthy and to have companionship

Who aspires to make Ithaca wealthy, to loneliness, and to move from matter to spirit