Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Period 4, Michael Carleo, Eng 4 HNR

I Believe...

I am in an unnatural relationship with "my" king (I.ii.67).
I must obey my mother, even at the hardest times (I.ii.124).
That my life can't be of any value without my father (I.iv.72-760).
In avenging my father, who was killed unnaturally (I.v.37).
That even a king can praised and be a villain at the same time (I.v.111-116).
In keeping my plan secret between my friends Horatio, Marcellus, and myself (I.v.152-212).
In keeping a real friendship, and not to be played like a fool (III.ii.372-402)!
That when I do kill him, "his heels may kick at heaven, and that his soul may be as damned and black as hell, whereto it goes" (III.iv.98-100).
That my mother has betrayed my father, but also forgotten him (III.iv.13).
In an adventure for the truth (III.iv.23-25).

1 comment:

  1. You were right - I LOVE IT! This is truly one of the best I've read. Well done.
